
Monday, August 08, 2005

The journey of a star starts on far
Into the black pages of a Universal Book,
It’s bindings holding back unwritten knowledge
From prying eyes seeking to steal its secrets.

Catalogued inside it upon the first blank page:
Genesis, the beginning of all things.
Created from the idea of man to feel significant,
Spawned for some vast purpose that they themselves
Cannot justify…
And instead lie about.

Upon the second blank page, wet ink is placed:
Birth, the beginning of a creature’s life.
Created from two beings, one of man and women,
Spawned from two vast purposes that itself
Cannot justify…
And instead lives the lie.

Cryptically written upon the third blank page:
Life, the time of a creature’s purpose.
Created for the spouse of the next step, Death,
Spawned and castled from the purposes of others;
This step unlike the two previous is pointless…
Can I not justify the lie to create a point in my life?

Painted in blood upon the last page:
Death, the time of a creature’s end.
Created for the purpose of slaughtering creation,
Spawned from a purpose unknown,
Can I not justify death to create a purpose in my life?
And instead die happy?

I am a Poet, therefore I am an advocate to the God of Illusions
Into tricking you that what I say is true,
And with close patronage with Romantic ideas
I unconditionally cause such a fragile thing as thought
Against your will, and rape your common sense of Reality.

So, Jesus must be a Poet too…

Posted by TheRedBantoo | | Email post

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