
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The rain falls all around
Hear it!
While lying in bed

I see through these
Insomniac eyes, drained of all hope and emotion
All sanity and care

Play these cold and dramatic thoughts out like a black and white film in my mind
No sound...
Just subtitles flashing before the screen of my mind
Let the rain fall, pounding outside my window
Let it drown out life...

I see the shadows on the wall cast over by the street lamps outside my window

Rolling to one side hoping to catch my way into a dream
If I wasnt so tired I know id scream out what I see through these insomniac eyes, with their empty and raw tears

I turn on the television to see another story in the news
Some murder or rape, some....atrocity of war...
Im not sure....
I dont know...
OH these insomniac eyes now desensitized
A blind eye now turned to the world
Its a shameful thing.......
Then again Im too tired to give a damn...

These psychotic thoughts that come with this pain....
This...sickness inside
No longer trying to hide these bloody raw insomniac eyes

This now half empty bottle of pills has done nothing for me
Toss and turn
Yearn and burn inside
While trying to forget in my mind
That a week without sleep has made me insane
Feeling that
Numbing pain

Oh these insomniac eyes now changed in this storm of darkness and pain, the acidic rain of promises that you won’t do it again

The pain now gone, lost in the rush of air
As I now lay my head to rest on the cold pavement below
These insomniac eyes have now shut

Posted by TheRedBantoo | | Email post

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