These Days Are Numbered (It's Where The fuhrers & fuhrerins Grow)
Psychological promises
give illusion of honesty
Diverging sentiments
For their conniving way
Inviting lesser condition
For thorough maturing
Catapulting discordance
With key philosophies
It's where the fuhrers & fuhrerins grow
It was not angst, nor obnoxious
It was anxious to be noxius
Notorious to be more than us
More than us, to be perishable
Pestilential communists,
faux credentials for incompetence
Exterminate resistants
of their existence
Raise your fist and rise against
Raise your fist and rise against
Raise your fist and rise against (NOTORIOUS)
Their feathered hearts bleeding,
for more than this war
We want to live for more (EUPHORIAS)
We want to live for more. . . .
It's where the fuhrers & fuhrerins grow
It's where the fuhrers & fuhrerins go to grow
Posted by TheRedBantoo | | Email post
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I adore this one.. you blow me away hun.. i adore you this sexy new look youve given to ur bit of the web! mmmwah =)
*AND this sexy new look .. blah.. i forgot the and in my hurry.. SEE WAT UVE DONE! lol! normally my english is impeccable :P
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