
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Future is Now!


are stalking the world,

they hide in windows,

take you by surprise

when you turn corners fast,

nearly bumped into myself today

as I trampled the future into right now.

They sit in polished steel,

waiting for that casual glance,

you are caught!

Television and computer screens

are in on the conspiracy,

don't look too hard when you look up,

reflections will scream at you.

Even silver spoons ready for mouths

will laugh you back into the light.

And don't forget the obvious,

mirrors, they pretend they're helping

when they report back to shadows.

It's a strange life this one here,

sitting in a darkened room,

with no tv, and wooden spoons,

the curtains drawn constantly,

still they catch me sometimes

when the bulb explodes -

the bright light catches this screen.

Posted by TheRedBantoo | | Email post

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