The Confused Duck
In the middle of the lake of my mind's forest
As you stood with your shorts around your neck
I was trying to remember why I need to eat an apple
I applaud my intricate design on your upper lip
I wait for my friend as the horizon meets gorilla
Intensity is as intensity does
I am no more
You are but a figment of imagination in this circus of life
And I am free
But free costs and I am paying
And if I have to I will cut off my toes in spite of my face
Because without you, there is no sale at Macy's
And I am driven to take a hot air balloon to France
Weep no more for me as I am a walrus
And walruses do not eat yogurt past the expiration date
So forever more you will be my princess in adult sized pin ups
And I can begin to breathe again
Flush the toilet of my abandonment
Come away with me to the center of the universe
Tell me all the pretty lies that Buddah told you
And I will put you in my will which I have hidden in my sandwich
Go now, fly, be free
Catch you on the fruit loop
Posted by TheRedBantoo | | Email post
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i have no honestly dont have any idea what this means....
its totally crazy....
dats why i like it alot..
what i meant was...i have absolutely no idea wat this means
and i really like it....
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